Wednesday, October 27, 2010

How the time flies!

So I've been running around like a chicken with it's head cut off... how are you doing?

Been knitting and crocheting like crazy which is awesome and I have so many new projects to show you I can hardly stand it!

We've been back in Florida since June, and trying to get our lives situated and adjusted...still working on having enough income to have a place of our own, but until then, my parents have been generous enough (as usual :)) to allow us to stay with them until we can get back on our own feet again :) But after having been away for 2 one really minds that it's taking us a little while *grins*

Also! Venjo's Stitches has a home! Pieces of Paradise is a business in St. Petersburg, Florida that has been established recently and agreed to sell some of my items! *dance*

Already sold a scarf on the first weekend so I can't wait to see that take off!

Off to finish off a new purse! *POOF!*

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Quick Update

Sorry I haven't had a chance to update :)

Been busy with a big family surprise order!!! Four (count 'em, FOUR) Jayne hats O.O I was actually able to complete them without much rush :)

I can't wait to hear how the kids like them! :D

Also working on a few more surprise family orders that I can't yet discuss here in case they check >.>

You'll see soon! heh

And I have a friend that is going to try and re-decorate my website :) New backgrounds and my logo! *dances*

I can't wait!

How was your holiday vacations? What are you doing for Spring Break?
Let me know! I'd love to hear about your plans and adventures :D

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Working on it...

So, we decided to stay an extra week at my parent's house. Mom needed us...and I need her...

Finally am caught up with my official orders. Working now on unofficial ones from family members that we visited while traveling around for the holidays O.O The official orders haven't gone through yet. But I'd like to have a leg up on them before they do. A lot of them will have multiple items.

Also working on getting socks up and running O.O FOUND AWESOME yarn on sale at Jo-Ann Fabrics that are great for sock making! Also an awesome guide to go with it! SO!

You know what awesome material + awesome guides = ? AWESOME SOCKS!!!! @.@

I can't wait :D

Let me know if you have any preferrences as far as types of socks or patterns in socks! I'd like to know what I should be attempting to make in order to keep your interest ;)